February 07, 2023

How to Choose a Study Abroad Destination

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Studying abroad is an incredible opportunity, and a great way to learn and travel at the same time. Having knowledge of other cultures is valuable both in your personal and professional life; more and more, businesses are looking to employ people with international experience. No matter where you go, you will meet new people, make new friends, and make unforgettable memories. But how do you choose where to go?

Go straight to look at our 10 Bayswater study destinations

In this blog post, you can find our top tips for choosing a study abroad destination that’s right for you. 

1 – Identify Your Non-Negotiables 

One of the first steps in choosing your ideal study-travel destination is figuring out what you need, and what you want. Make a list of things that are must-haves and another list of things that would be nice to have. You might want to consider things such as the climate, the languages spoken and whether you want to live in a city or rural area. It also might be useful to think about whether you will be able to partake in hobbies (ones you already have, or new ones!), the cuisine, and transport options. 

2 – Go Online 

Many schools and travel agencies will hold online webinars, seminars and open days to give you information [link to our webinar??]. This might help you decide the type of course and school you want to attend, but it’s also a great opportunity to find out more about the destination. Watching YouTube videos about what to expect from different destinations can help too! 

3 – Use Several Resources 

When gathering information, it’s important to look at several sources. This will not only increase how much you know about different destinations, but it will also ensure you have an unbiased view. For example, you could read online on different websites, ask friends and family, watch videos and look at official guidance. 

Contact us about our study travel destinations

4 – Consider your Budget 

Where you choose to go can have a big impact on your finances. Consider the length of time you’d like to go for, and how your priorities weigh up against your budget. There are several tools online, such as Numbeo and Expatistan that allow you to compare the estimated cost of living in cities around the world. You can also find the estimated cost of living in each of our destination cities on their webpage. 

5 – Future Opportunities  

As excited as you might be to go on your study travel adventure, it’s important to think about what comes next. You may want to stay in your destination country after your study course, travel onward to a new destination, or return home. If you want to stay or continue travelling once you’ve finished studying, consider employment opportunities or onward travel options when choosing your perfect study travel destination.